Thursday, April 4, 2013

Down to the Final Two!

We're so close to naming our Fan Favorite fabric line! 
Just a few days of voting left. 

And now, for our Final Two:

Lush, vibrant triple-dyed batiks that shine and sparkle. 
And a little quilt inspiration:
Grape Crush by Stitched Together Studios
Find the free pattern here.

Ellie Ann by Eleanor Burns
Classic floral beauty in three fresh colorways.
And a little quilt inspiration:
 Rambling Rose by Janet Page Kessler
Find the free pattern here.

Which fabric collection will you vote for? 
Help us name the Fan Favorite fabric line! Cast your vote on our Facebook page starting April 4 at 2pm EST and running through April 7 at 11:59 EST. 

**After you vote, leave a comment below letting us know which line you chose and why. For every 25 comments left here on the blog between now and April 7 at 11:59 pm EST, we'll give away a fat quarter bundle of the winning fabric line to a randomly chosen commenter. One comment per person, please--additional comments will be deleted.

Good luck to both Botanical Garden Balis and Ellie Ann!

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  1. I chose Ellie Ann because I love the colors and the cheeriness of them... would love to make a quilt out of them

  2. I love Batiks but this time Ellie Ann is my favorite.. would love to see some of the blues used.

  3. both fabric lines are lovely but I adore batiks. gene1959 at live dot com

  4. I adore the Botanical Garden Balis....they're rich and beautiful and I think they just pop.
    shel704 at aol dot com

    1. Balis's are my downfall, but I truly need to vote for Ellie Anns because they are so spring looking, bright and cheerful.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I did vote for the Batiks..I would more likely use them in more projects
    S. Wyngaard FB

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Tough choice! I love them both. They are so different from each other, there is no comparison. Can there be a tie?

  9. I voted for Botanical Garden Balis because I love the Batiks. The colors are beautiful and would make a beautiful quilt. Thanks for the chance to win in the giveaway. Good Luck to Botanical Garden Balis!

  10. hwotton@pei.sympatico.caApril 4, 2013 at 6:05 PM

    Both are great, but I am going with the Ellie Ann by Eleanor Burns because spring is coming and these fabrics lift me up!

  11. I picked Ellie Ann because it reminds me of the fabrics that my grandmothers had in their house when I was younger. Love those florals! They are so fresh and spring-like.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Sandy A

  12. I chose Ellie Ann just to honor Eleanor. Always room for pastels.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I will try again. :) I voted for Botanical Garden Bali Batiks because I love the bright colors. They remind me of summer. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. I chose Ellie Ann. I just love the beautiful soft colors and would make a lap quilt for my family room. Thanks for the March Fabric Fun!

  16. I voted for the batiks. I love the rich colors. The unique designs of each fabric give them texture without overpowering the main color of the fabric. Great fun.

  17. I voted for Ellie Ann because I love the purples and pinks used and the subtle colours.

  18. While both are beautiful collections, I love the old fashioned look of Ellie Ann. Good job with the design Eleanor Burns! I just bought a charm pack of Ellie Ann and can't wait to make a baby quilt.

  19. This was a very hard decision. I really like them both but ultimately picked Ellie Ann because of its versatility. It could be used for a feminine as well as masculine quilt.

  20. I picked Ellie Ann because I love florals. The colors are fresh and pretty. I love batiks too, but first choice is always a floral. This has been fun!

  21. I picked Ellie Ann because I love florals. The colors are fresh and pretty. I love batiks too, but first choice is always a floral. This has been fun!

  22. It was a hard decision, but I voted for the Batiks because they blend well with fabrics. Hopefully I do not have any misspelled words this time

  23. I love the Ellie Ann fabrics for their soft colors and patterns. They are beautiful fabrics.

  24. Ellie Ann is my favorite. Love the colors.

  25. I voted for Botanical Garden Balis, I like the boldness of them. Both are pretty, I just seem to pick brighter things.


  26. I voted for Ellie Ann, I love the colors, there is so much I could make from it and the quilt pattern you put up is so beautiful. Hard choice though between the two.

  27. I voted for Botanical Garden Batiks. I love batik fabrics and the colors in this line are wonderful!!

  28. I voted for Elie Ann. I love the soft colors Perfect for spring

    Pauline Gudas

  29. I voted for Ellie Ann. The collection is so Sweet. Can't wait for it to arrive in my shop next week.

  30. I voted for Botanical Garden Balis because I love the way they sparkle and shine when used in quilts.

  31. Ellie Ann by Eleanor Burns it is romantic, classic, retro, and pretty, all in one package. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm love it

  32. I love batiks, so that would have to be my vote

  33. Ellie Ann gets my vote. I love the soft colors and the traditional designs. And florals are always my favorite prints.

  34. I never met a batik I didn't like! Ellie Ann is beautiful too.

  35. I voted for Ellie Ann. The colors are soft and feminine. The colors of the batiks are nice, but I don't like the fact that you could cut a patch from one part of a fabric and have the color be different from a patch cut from a different part of the same fabric.

  36. No question about it, I'm in love with Ellie Ann by Eleanor Burns!!

  37. I love the Botanical Garden Balis because there depth of color is simply fantastic and they would make a fabulous landscape quilt.

  38. Beautiful softness to the Ellie Ann line.
    Caught my eye!

  39. Batiks are my favorite..always.

  40. Botanical Garden Batiks please. They ae lovely.

  41. I voted for Ellie Anne but love both of these lines. And the quilt designs are perfect.

  42. Both are nice. I vote for Ellie Anne because it is clean and refreshing. Batiks can be had year round, some as nice as these if you know where to look.

  43. Batiks!!! Must be them - really it must ;-)

  44. It's got to be the Botanical Garden Balis. The reason for my choosing them is that they are so versatile. And I really like the bright colors.

  45. I voted Ellie Ann because it is so fresh and light and reminds me of spring

  46. I voted for the Botanical Garden Balis cause I just like darker color quilts.

  47. love Ellie.. very feminine

  48. As much as I love batiks I have to go with Ellie Ann. Very Pretty.

  49. love love batiks! hands down my favorite

  50. I chose Botanical Garden Balis - I just love bali fabric and the lush deep colours.

  51. I chose the Botanical Garden Balis. They are gorgeous!

  52. I chose Botanical Gardens because the other ones aren't my style. At all. And I can't resist a good batik!

  53. I chose the Botanical Garden Balis. Although I still like the Ellie Ann. But, I think the Balis give more options for design.

  54. Love them both, but I had to vote Balis! -

  55. I love the Balis. Always so dramatic

  56. Tough choice .... I'm a floral girl, but had to choose the Bali batiks! So intense!

  57. Voted for the Balis - I love brights! But I like both lines. Two winners!

  58. Love the botanical garden balis.

  59. I love the Balis. I like bright colors.

  60. I love the Balis. They are beautiful.

  61. Balis for me. Ellie Ann is pretty, but the Balis are gorgeous.

  62. I loved the quilt designed by Stitched Together Studios so I have to vote for the balis!

  63. I don't usually go in for soft romantic florals, but Ellie Ann is a true exception to the rule. I already bought some and it sits on the top of the To Do pile. I look forward to working with it. Oh yeah and the melon color way is the best!

  64. Great ranges both of these went for Botanicas but love the fresh spring garden flowers as well . Hope to buy some of each . Jackie

  65. I choose Ellie Ann. This past Friday, the mailman delivered my Ellie Ann charm pack. It is even prettier than it looked online. Love the homey designs and pretty colors!

  66. I love the feminity of Ellie Ann, for my love of Shabby-Chic style, but I voted for the Botanical Batiks as they are more versatile and can fit many projects and many people.

  67. The Botanical Batiks caught my eye right away because they are so colorful!

  68. I chose Ellie Ann by Eleanor Burns because I love the soft colors also pink and blue are two of my favorite colors.

  69. Love the texture that the batiks bring to my work; depth and colors are great!

  70. I love Ellie Ann because it's so pretty and very timeless looking!
