
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Folk Art Fantasy Blog Hop: Day 1

We've introduced you to Amanda Murphy's new fabric collection, Folk Art Fantasy, and given you a behind-the-scenes look at the prints, as well as plenty of inspiration from Amanda's quilt patterns. But we're not done! Follow along on our blog hop as four different designers share projects they've made using Folk Art Fantasy fabrics! We'll post a teaser here each day and then direct you to the full post. 

Today's teaser comes from Mandy of Mandalei Quilts. She says, "When Amanda asked me if I wanted to have a chance to work with her new line, Folk Art Fantasy, I had to say yes. Her designs always are cute, have sweet little details, and blend together so well! I picked a few of my favorite prints and got right to work on a gift (or three) for my mom. Come on over and check it out!"

Mandy's photo only serves to enhance the mystery...we can see what fabrics she chose, but no hint as to what she stitched! Head over to her blog to see what Folk Art Fantasy inspired her to make! You'll also have the opportunity to leave a comment for a chance to win a fat quarter bundle of some Folk Art Fantasy fabrics! What would you do with a stack of these beauties?!

Click here to see the entire Folk Art Fantasy collection. 
Click here to visit Amanda's website--see her patterns, read her blog, and follow her on other social media platforms. 

Follow along for all four days of our Folk Art Fantasy Blog Hop! 
Tuesday: Mandy of Mandalei Quilts
Wednesday: Benartex Blog Design Team
Thursday: Alison of Little Bunny Quilts
Friday: Amanda of Material Girls Quilts


  1. Mandy's pouches are really cute. I love the fabrics in this line.

  2. so pretty. what a fun pillow these would make.
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  3. These designs have an unexpected freshness to them. And there's something about that bunny....

  4. Love this line. Think I would have to some Hexies with some of the fabric.
    Crossing my fingers. Thanks for the chance.

  5. Gorgeous.This would be for a bed runner.

  6. Nice ty for giving a look see into another world of fabric...

  7. Love that shade of blue!

  8. Love all the shades of blue and green. The penny runner pattern is super cute too.

  9. Love the colors in this line. And the Houses print in turquoise is so stinkin cute. But then so are the Stars and Horses, the Wedding Ring, etc., etc.

  10. Love this line!. Would like to try to make some houses.
    Thanks for sharing.
