
Monday, March 27, 2017

March Madness: Final Four!

Thanks for all of your votes so far in our quest for the March Madness Fan Favorite Pattern!

Introducing our Final Four:
Our Final Four will feature two games: Nico vs. Big Moon and Vintage Tango vs. Fortune. The voting for each game will be open two days. 

For this round, you can vote three different ways:
Leave a comment below with your votes for this game (choose Nico or Big Moon). One comment per person, please. You can also vote a second time on our Facebook Group – Sew Interesting. And new, this round, you can vote a third time on Instagram. Leave a comment under the photo of the two quilts indicating which quilt you're voting for. 
Voting for these this game is open through Wednesday, March 29 at 9:29 am EDT.

Voting is closed for this game. 
Vote here in our second Final Four game. 

Today's game: 

Nico by Linda Leathersich and Stephanie Sheridan featuring Sgraffito

Big Moon by Rose Ann Cook featuring Glass House

Happy voting!

Catch up on our bracket! 
Click here to see all of the quilts in the original Sweet Sixteen


  1. This one's a tough choice today. I really love both.
    Flip of a coin LOL

    Big Moon

  2. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netMarch 27, 2017 at 12:38 PM

    It is hard to decide because I like both of them, but I will say Nico.

  3. This is a tough choice today - I agree with the others! I'm going with Big Moon. I'm sending my blog readers over to choose too without giving a hint of my choice! HA

  4. Big Moon!!!!!! I've loved this one from day 1. Bright, Colorful and Different!!

  5. Big Moon. I like Nico, but against Big Moon it's difficult.


  6. My two favorites! I'll go with Big Moon.

  7. this is tough but Nico gets my vote

  8. Hard choice! Big moon

  9. Gotta be Big Moon! It's so different!

  10. Big Moon! I look forward to making it. I LOVE the fabric!

  11. They are both great but I gotta go with Big Moon. It is so different.
