
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Joey: The Most Famous Dog in Quilting

Back in October during the Piece for Shelter Pets Blog Hop, we gave you a quick introduction to our new favorite pet, Joey the Shop Dog. 

As a newborn puppy, Joey was abandoned. When he was brought to the local SPCA, he immediately underwent surgery to remove a damaged eye, and remained very sick. Enter quilt shop owner Rose Ann Cook, who along with her husband, has a soft spot for dogs with health issues. "When I met Joey, we already had three dogs, and that's usually as many as we have at one time," Rose Ann says. "I surprised my husband by bringing him home. I knew this dog wouldn't make it if we didn't take it home." 

If you've seen our Joey the Shop Dog collection, you know this story has a happy ending!

Joey was adopted by Rose Ann Cook and her husband almost six years ago. He’s made his home both with the Cooks and in Rose Ann’s quilt shop, the Quilter's Emporium in Stafford, Texas.

Why did Joey catch your eye?
What I can say? We look for dogs that have serious issues. That doesn’t mean that they can’t be loving, wonderful pets. As a matter of fact, I think they become the most grateful pets. We have no children—this is our calling to take care of dogs that otherwise would be put down.

How did Joey start coming to the quilt shop?
I go to the shop every day, and I felt I needed to take him along to look after him. Every single female customer who walked through the door is a mother at heart, and they all fell in love. He’s a little fixture around the shop. Joey actually has a fan club. Some customers only come in on Joey days.

How has Joey’s fame spread?

He tells me what to write for an article in each of our newsletters. If there isn’t something from Joey in the newsletter, we actually get phone calls checking on him. He recently came in 6th place in the SPCA calendar contest, so he’ll be featured in the 2017 calendar as well. He also has his own Facebook page!

How else has Joey helped the cause of strays?
If someone local finds a stray, they’ll send me a pic, and Joey will write up a story about the stray—have been able to find homes for about 2 dozen dogs. Joey does so much good.

We'll be sharing up close and personal looks at the fabrics in Joey's collection, as well as some fun projects made with the fabrics later this week!


  1. What a cutie! and that lopsided smile.

  2. Joey is so adorable. Thanks k you for sharing and his pictures.

    1. Thank you! We hope that the donations to Petfinder will help a lot of homeless doggies and kitties find their forever homes!! Merry Christmas to you!
      Licks and kisses, Joey

  3. Joey is adorable. My son, my neighbour and I recently donated food, treats, cat litter to a local rescue shelter. I made small cat and dog mats to donate as well. The owners so appreciated the kindness.

  4. I had the good fortune to meet Joey in person at Market and his mom - Rose Anne. We even got to visit Joey's quilt shop. I love Joey- he's adorable and I can't wait to get my own Joey the shop dog when the fabric ships!!!!

    1. Thank you Miss Elaine! I loved meeting you too! I hope you like your Joey too!
      Licks and kisses, Joey

  5. Too cute!
    Thank you for
    taking him in
    and all the help
    you are both
    doing. Merry
    Carla from Utah

  6. Wonderful to read about Joey and see him! Rescue dogs hold special places in my heart. I volunteer at fabulous rescue group: Mid-Atlantic English Springer Spaniel Rescue. We sound a bit exclusive but recently we've had water dogs (looked like Beau who lives in the White House), a pomeranian, and lots of cockers. Our own rescue dog was a special needs cocker. He stole our hearts and recently broke them when health issues got to be too much for him. Sigh. Looking forward to the fabric line.

    1. Miss Bonnie, you must have been a wonderful human mommy for your precious cocker, I know he must have loved you a lot! Maybe there is room in your heart and home for another rescue some day. As my human mommy said, she thought our house was "full" before she saw me. Then when she met me, she knew that there was room for little ole me and I am grateful!
      Licks and kisses, Your pal, Joey

  7. Rose Ann, you and your husband are living saints as are hundreds of thousands of other people who have opened their hearts and doors to needy animals. You are blessed and so is Joey. He is a real sweetie and I can understand why he loved by so many people. Keep up the great work with both your quilt shop and your pets. Wishing you and all of yours a wonderful Christmas season and a blessed New Year.

    1. Thank you Rosebud! It is our pleasure to care for the "children" that we have. Joe is our special one and we are equally blessed to have each other! Merry Christmas to you too!
      Rose Ann

  8. Joey is adorable and I applaud Rose Ann and her husband for adopting him and other dogs! My husband and I have 4 rescued animals now and 1 well she chose us when we were looking for a puppy. I think it is also fabulous how he helps other animals find new owners who will love them and take really good care of them! Have a wonderful Holiday!

    1. Thank you Brenda! How wonderful that you and your husband adopt rescues as well! It is a blessed "calling" isn't it? Joey is very special and we are so grateful that he is doing so well!
      Merry Christmas! Rose Ann

  9. Thank you. He looks like he is winking in the last picture.

    1. Hi Miss Susan! I might just be winking!!! :-)
      Merry Christmas!

  10. So glad to see others rescue animals. He looks soooooo sweet...... People are really bad in our area to drop off cats!!!! We brought one in over 5 yrs ago. She was so scared but wanted to come in....she was the best animal I've EVER owned!!! My DH said she was the Angel that got me bac on my feet from Chemo and Cancer..... Then 4 yrs later my Dh of 32 yrs passed due to Cancer!! Poor little Coco was lost without him!! She wouldn't let anyone sit in his chair!!Then 15 months later, I had to put her down.....i didn't think I was going to make it!!![she had problems that were hereditary] Well, now I have one that has shown up and is feral...but now another one has stopped by and stayed!!! She lets me love on her. the first one gets jealous but I think I will be petting her before I have a nice front porch and have made homes for them with the large totes.....Cut an opening on the side and put rugs in for them!! They love it and keeps them out of the cold. I would to have them in but the Cancer has had kick backs on me so right now I have to leave them out.....I HATE it!..... Again so glad you gave the little fella a home and soooo many friend's!!! Merry Christmas!

    1. Hi Miss Theresa, I'm sorry to hear of your challenges and you still care for the little ones that come across your path. As my human mommy says, "You have crowns waiting in Heaven for you." Thank you for caring! Please take care of yourself and Mama and I hope you have a very Happy Holiday!
      Special Licks and Kisses, Joey

  11. Hi! He is sooooo adorable! I just want to snuggle with the little guy! I wish I lived near your shop! Glad that he has a fun and safe home with lots of fun fabric to snuggle with! Have a wonderful holiday season. Cheers to Joey!
