
Friday, February 28, 2014

Kids' Quilts Blog Hop: Day 4

Welcome back for Day 4 of our Kids' Quilts Blog Hop! Today Sarah from Confessions of a Fabric Addict is here, sharing a tutorial for a one-block quilt using the Yard Dog collection from Kanvas.  Sarah will also tell you about her involvement in charity quilt giving, and is hosting her annual charity quilt challenge on her blog beginning in March. Enjoy the tutorial, and don't miss the chance at the bottom of this post to enter to win a FQ bundle of Yard Dog.


Hi, all!  I'm Sarah, and I blog over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.  I'm just thrilled to have been asked to be a part of this blog hop!!  Quilts for children is kind of a passion of mine - I think because it lets me work with fun prints and lots of color! 

Most of the quilts I make are given away, to both children and adults.  I work with a growing quilt ministry in my church, and also host a charity quilt challenge on my blog each year.  This will be the fourth year for the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge.  In the past three years, we have involved 167 quilters who have donated 281 quilts to various charities, including quilts for orphans in Romania, Russia, and Ethiopia, chemotherapy patients, and hurricane survivors in New Orleans.  This year's Challenge starts on March 16th, with signups all week and a signup giveaway on March 23rd.  I hope you'll consider joining in the fun - and you could use this tutorial as your design!  

When I was asked to do a tutorial for this hop, I wanted to come up with a design that was simple but interesting, and that could be made with yardage, precuts, or scraps.  This one-block quilt tutorial is for a child-sized quilt, but this also would be easy to make larger or smaller by simply reducing or increasing the number of columns and blocks in each column.  Enjoy!!

Floating Boxes Tutorial

Quilt Size: Approximately 50” x 54”

Fabric Requirements:

Beautiful "Yard Dog" fabrics!

Prints: You will need 21 2.5” wide strips for the 42 "A" Blocks required.  You can use strips from a jelly roll, or cut them from 1/4 yard each of seven different fabrics.

Solid:  1 3/4 yard for "A" block centers, outside of 7 "B" Blocks, strip ends, and borders.

1/2 yard for binding

3 yards for backing

This quilt is made using one basic block construction, in two different fabric combinations.  

"A" Block
"B" Block

Cutting Directions:

A and B blocks:


If using yardage for the prints, cut three 2.5” WOF strips from each print. (21 strips)

Subcut each 2.5” WOF strip into eight 4.5” x 2.5” pieces. (168 pieces)

From the remainders of the 2.5” strips, cut one 2.5” x 2.5” square from each print (7 pieces total) for the centers of the “B” blocks


Cut six 2.5” by WOF strips.  Subcut those into twenty-eight 4.5” x 2.5” pieces and forty-two 2.5” x 2.5” pieces.

Cut one 6.5” x WOF strip.  Subcut it into six 2.5” x 6.5” pieces and four 4.5” x 6.5” pieces. 


Cut five 4.5” x WOF strips from the solid fabric for the borders.


Cut six WOF strips for binding in your preferred width.

To make the block:

Use a scant 1/4 inch seam. That is a seam that is approximately 2 threads less than a true 1/4” seam.

For each block, you will need four identical 2.5” x 4.5” pieces and a 2.5” center piece.  Use a solid center for the forty-two print blocks, and a print center for the seven solid blocks.

Place the center piece face up, then lay a 2.5” x 4.5” piece on top, face down.  

Stitching on the long right-hand side of the 4.5” piece, stitch approximately 1” down, backstitch and remove from the sewing machine.  This is a partial seam that you will finish later.  

Finger press the top part of the seam away from the center block.  Lay another 2.5” x 4.5” piece on the long edge (1/2 center, 1/2 border) and stitch the entire seam.  Finger-press away from the center block.  Continue around the center piece in this fashion until you sew all four pieces on.  

Now you can finish the partial seam you made in the first step.

Press the block, pressing all seams away from the center block.

Make forty-two “A” blocks (print on the outside) and seven “B” blocks (solid on the outside).

Arrange your blocks in a pleasing order, placing six “A” blocks and one “B” block in each column.  Stagger your columns by one or two block segments as shown in the picture above to give the effect that they float on the background fabric.  Add the 2.5" x 6.5" and 4.5" x 6.5” wide pieces as needed to make the columns equal lengths.  Assemble the columns.  

Join the columns side to side.  Pin carefully to match up the seams as appropriate.

Once the center is complete, add the borders.  To make a nice flat quilt, measure across the center of the quilt from top to bottom and cut your side borders to that length, then pin the center to the borders, easing as necessary to make them fit.  Sew using a 1/4” seam.  Next, measure across the center of the quilt from side to side and cut the top and bottom borders to that length. Then pin those pieces to the top and bottom of the quilt top, easing as necessary to make them fit.  Sew using a 1/4” seam.

Your top is finished!  Quilt as desired and bind, then find a lucky child to enjoy it!

This quilt can easily be made smaller or larger by adding or subtracting blocks. You can see examples of this on my blog post today. Also, if you'd like to receive a PDF version of this tutorial, please stop by my blog, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and leave me a comment with your email information.  I'll email it to you right away!  If you request one and don't hear from me, it's possible you are a no-reply blogger - just email me directly at the address you'll find on my blog!

Thanks for letting me share this tutorial with you!!  Be sure to check out the rest of the great tutorials that have been shared this week, too!  And remember to come by and join in the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge - signups begin March 16th!!

Thanks Sarah!

For a chance to win a fat quarter bundle of the Yard Dog collection, simply sign up to follow this blog, either through Bloglovin' (or another blog reader service) or email (both options are in the right hand sidebar) and leave a comment letting us know you follow. In your comment, since the fabric featured today is Yard Dog, let us know--are you a dog person? cat person? neither? Leave a second comment and receive a second entry by following us on Facebook and letting us know. This giveaway is open through Monday, March 3 at 11:59 PM EST. 

Make sure you check out all the tutorials from the Kids' Quilts Blog Hop:
Day 1: by the Benartex Blog Team, featuring Monkeying Around
Day 2: by Nikki from The Girl Who Quilts, featuring English Rosey

Day 3: by Emily from Mommy's Nap Time, featuring Doodle Dog

And check back on Monday, when we'll share some additional free pattern ideas for kids' charity quilts, as well as a list of links of other charities accepting quilts for kids.


  1. I follow with GFC and I love both cats and dogs.

  2. I follow you (Sarah) and Bernatex via Bloglovin'. (And I 'like' you both on Facebook).

    I don't have any critters myself, but my daughter has both a dog and cat, and my son has several dogs. I had to babysit his pit bull (sweetest dog ever on this earth) while he was in Iraq. Sadly, she passed away last year. I'm not at all fond of cats, but I have several friends who are.

  3. Thanks Sarah!
    I follow this blog with GFC and email!

  4. I follow via GFC. I prefer dogs. And dogs on fabric are fantastic! Love Sarah's tutorial and her blog. I have participated in her H2H charity quilt drive the last two years and plan to do so again this year. She does so much to help others!

  5. I signed up to follow via Feedly. And I am strictly a cat person, but I don't mind dog fabrics. The cats might mind, though. ;)

  6. I follow via Bloglovin. I love both cats and dogs, but as I have 3 cats, and am a bit of a crazy cat lady, I guess I have to admit cats are my favourite :-)

  7. I 'like'/follow your Facebook page too

  8. I follow via email. I like both cats and dogs, especially on fabric. Thanks for the great tutorial and pattern. This would make a great scrappy quilt for charity.

  9. I already like your Facebook page.

  10. I follow with GFC and email. I like both dogs and cats although I don't have one myself anymore.

  11. I am a dog person. I just started following on Bloglovin'

  12. I follow by bloglovin...and I am a two dog person.. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  13. Already a follower, thru Bloglovin & Email :) I love cats & dogs too....

  14. I'm a huge follower! I foster chihuahuas through our local rescue group. Love my job! sbrbrat@gmail dot com

  15. I'm a follower with Bloglovin'. I'm more of a cat person, though I like dogs too. Thanks.

  16. Following on FB too. Thanks again.

  17. I follow through email, and I love dogs!

  18. I follow by email and I love both dogs and cats. I only have a cat right now, so I guess that makes me a cat person. Thanks!

  19. I follow this blog via email and bloglovin so I'm sure to not miss a thing! And I am definitely a dog person. My dog is going on 14 years old and she's sleeping beside my desk as I speak (or type . . .) :)

  20. I am a follower through bloglovin'.

  21. I have followed you via e-mail for awhile. Love your blog. I like dogs and cats! Although right now we just have cats.

  22. I also follow you on FB. :)

  23. I follow via email and Bloglovin. I'm a dog person. I love my shelter rescue mutt! She's so smart and makes me laugh. I'm unfortunately allergic to cats.

  24. I follow on Facebook, too. Thanks.



  27. I am neither a cat or dog person but I know lots of cat and dog lovers. I follow by email.

  28. I also follow by Facebook. I used to have a fish once. But he died.

  29. I am going to make a quilt for grandson and this might work. I have the fabrics which are music instruments and wrestling. I like this one and would like the .pdf

  30. Love the fabric choice, I have 2 grand bassets and 2 grand cats and have been "adopted" by a former barn cat. So, yes I love cats and dogs!

  31. we are all dog lovers. Not enough space to tell you how many! love the doggie patterns. Would love to make doggie qults with these! Thanks for the chance. Helen
    hrglover at hotmail dot com

  32. Great fabric. Great tutorial. I follow Sarah on GFC. We have both dogs and cats and love them all.

  33. Hi! I follow you on bloglovin. I have a dog and a cat and am currently fostering another dog for our humane society.

  34. I think this would be adorable as curtains in my grandsons room. Love it. I follow by blog lovin

  35. Hi there! I follow your blog via Bloglovin'!

  36. I love both cats and dogs, and we have a Sheltie who is the most loveable companion and the baby of our family (ok, ok he's a mama's boy, I'll admit it!!).

  37. I follow your blog through Bloglovin.
    Sandy A

    1. And forgot to add that tI am definitely a dog person! Can you guess which breed is my favorite? (hint...scottylover is my user name...) :)

  38. I follow you on Facebook, too!
    Sand A

  39. Yard Dogs is so cute. My little pomeranian needs a quilt and Yard Dog fabric would be perfect. I follow by email and love your blog. Thanks for the giveaway and thanks for being so generous with your quilts.

  40. I follow via email and Bloglovin. I'm more of a cat person, but I love all animals.

  41. I just signed up to follow you by email. I am both a dog lover and cat lover. Love 'em all.
    Cynthia Knapp

  42. I am a GFC follower and I a small dog person...

  43. I also follow Benartex on FB. I will be signing up again this year with Sarah's Hand2Help Charity Quilt Challenge...1 quilt is ready and I'll have another one or two. Great tutorials!!

  44. I love the fabric! Yes I have 3 dogs, my husband would have more if we could afford it. I am a BL follower. Cute quilt.

  45. I follow by email, and I love cats, but have lots of nephews that have dogs that would love a quilt.

  46. As I write this, I have 106-pound Lab on my couch and a 120-pound Lab near my feet....shhhh...don't tell them that I'm really more of a cat person! I do love my dogs, too, though!

  47. Oh, and I follow on Facebook, too!

  48. I follow with Bloglovn! I am a huge dog lover! thank you for the tutorial for the quilt and the giveaway.

  49. I follow on Bloglovin'. Right now I have 2 cats, but I do love dogs and wish we had one.

  50. I follow you through email. I'm a dog lover, love cats too, but if I can only have one pet, it's a dog.

  51. I follow with RSS feeds, I am an animal lover. We've always had some 4 legged companions. After 18 years with cats and a tragic end to them we were empty nesters until we adopted 2 dogs at the same time. I love to make them things too.

  52. I just signed up o follow by email. I am a cat lover. I also love dogs, but prefer cats.

  53. I am now following on bloglovin and I love both cats and dogs , we have a labradoodle which we adore . Thanks for the chance .

  54. I follow by email , neither a cat or dog lover - think cats are beautiful but can't bear them near me

  55. I follow on blog lovin. And I like both cats and dogs. we have both! thanks.

  56. Hi, cute fabric. I follow you on Bloglovin.

  57. I also like you on Facebook.

  58. I am a cat person, but I like dogs too. Following you on bloglovin'.

  59. I follow by Bloglovin :)
    I am both a dog and a cat person, I have a cat, my daughter has a dog. This fabric would be perfect to make him something!

    jachelno at gmail dot com

  60. I am a Facebook-fan already!

    jachelno at gmail dot com

  61. I follow on Bloglovin, and I'm a dog person! Thanks for the chance to win!

  62. I follow via Bloglovin I have a 7 pound chihuahua and he rules this roost and has completely stolen my heart. We live on a farm and we have farm cats. We just lost my buddy Jack and the mama cat Chicken but they left us some kids that are hanging around outside with us. Thanks for a gr8 tutorial and giveaway.

  63. Such cute fabric and a lovely easy to make quilt pattern. I'm both a dog and cat person!
    yoyopattycakes at

  64. I follow the blog by email and I'm already a FB follower too!
    yoyopattycakes at


  65. What a cute quilt and fabric! It's a good tutorial too. I love dogs and cats, all animals but have to say dogs hold a special place in my heart. I follow by e-mail.

  66. I already follow your blog, and I am a dog person. I love this fabric!

  67. New bloglovin follower: Nicole Sender.
    I'm a dog person!

  68. New follower on facebook: Nicole Sender.

  69. I follow on bloglovin' and love both cats and dogs, but have neither.

  70. I follow on bloglovin and I am a dog person although we did have a cat for 20 years.

  71. I follow Benartex, Inc.on FB as Kathy Newsom Davis.

  72. i follow on bloglovin and we have two dogs

  73. I am a dog person. I am especially fond of Shelties.

  74. I will be following on bloglovin

  75. follow on bloglovin as matope... im a bunny person!! we take in easter bunny dumps every year and litter box train them for new homes!

  76. follow on facebook as Jenn-Paul Henderson

  77. Dogs & Cats Live with 2 dogs but my husband isn't a cat lover. My daughter is trying to win him over..... Folllow on Bloglovin

  78. Thanks for this tutorial! I've never done a partial seam but your explanation makes me think I can!
