
Friday, April 19, 2013

Fabric Giveaway Winner and Reminder

Happy Friday, all!
We hope you enjoyed our 4-day April blog hop! We have another hop planned for May with some fantastic tutorials--we can't wait! We'll announce the May blog hop dates both on the blog and on Facebook, so stay tuned.

Now, a little housekeeping.

From the first day of the blog hop, the winner of the Cabana bundle, chosen by random number generator, is:


Congratulations, Nona! We are sending you an email to get your mailing address. 

If you have not yet entered to win the FQ bundle giveaways for days 2, 3 and 4, of the blog hop, 
make sure you do! 

 (open through 4/19 )

 (open through 4/21)

(open through 4/23)

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